We are happy to announce that Cocos2d-x v3.8 has just been released.



Our goal for v3.8 was stability. We put extra effort in fixing bugs and keep polishing different components likeUI system, AudioEngine, FileUtils and the Bindings Generator. We also continued to improve our 3D features by adding physics collider, skybox background brush and key frame event callback in Animate3D.

Changes in detail:

  1. 3D Module
    • Added 3D physics collider
    • Supported setting camera background brushes with color/depth/skybox
    • Added key frame event Callback in Animate3D
    • Added light map support in Terrain
  2. UI System
    • Reimplemented and enhanced EditBox on Android
    • Added ScrollViewBar for displaying a scroll bar at the side of ScrollView (JSB/Lua ready)
    • Added RadioButton widget (JSB/Lua ready)
    • Added HANYI FullType font support
  3. AudioEngine
    • AudioEngine supported audio preloading
    • Bound new AudioEngine in JSB
  4. FileUtils
    • Added a set of file writing APIs: writeStringToFile, writeDataToFile, writeValueMapToFile, writeValueVectorToFile
  5. Others
    • Improved Bindings Generator tool
    • Merged JSB test project into cocos2d test project
    • framework: Support generate prebuilt libs of engine with debug mode
    • console: Supported new portrait projects from templates

The complete changelog can be found here:

What’s coming in v3.9

  • Add script based component system.
  • Improve ScrollView, ListView performance in both native and web engine.
  • Improve 2D particle system performance.
  • Improve web engine renderer logic and performance.
  • Support Action inheritance in JSB.
  • Remove libcurl dependency on iOS and Android.
  • Include a GUI for the cocos CLI console


For more information, join us in this discussion thread. Thanks!

Original Link:

'Software Dev. Tools > Cocos2d-x' 카테고리의 다른 글

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cocos2d-x-3.9 November.09 2015  (0) 2015.11.29
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Posted by Greatdev