Tizen URL: https://www.tizen.org/ko/blogs/tsg/2014/tizen-sdk-wearable-1.0.0-beta1-release
BY Technical Steering Group,
We are pleased to announce that Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0 Beta1 is now available at SDK download page.
Tizen SDK for Wearable is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Tizen wearable applications. It consists of the Tizen wearable IDE, Emulator, tool-chain, sample applications, and documentation. Tizen SDK for Wearable runs on Windows®, Ubuntu, and Mac OS® X.
If developers want to develop corresponding applications with Tizen wearable applications using Samsung mobile devices, please visit Samsung Mobile SDK. (or http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-mobile-sdk/...)
For more information, please refer to the release notes.
Tizen Technical Steering Group
Tizen URL: https://www.tizen.org/ko/blogs/tsg/2014/tizen-sdk-wearable-1.0.0-beta1-release
BY Technical Steering Group,
We are pleased to announce that Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0 Beta1 is now available at SDK download page.
Tizen SDK for Wearable is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Tizen wearable applications. It consists of the Tizen wearable IDE, Emulator, tool-chain, sample applications, and documentation. Tizen SDK for Wearable runs on Windows®, Ubuntu, and Mac OS® X.
If developers want to develop corresponding applications with Tizen wearable applications using Samsung mobile devices, please visit Samsung Mobile SDK. (or http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-mobile-sdk/...)
For more information, please refer to the release notes.
Tizen Technical Steering Group
Welcome to Tizen SDK for Wearable.
The Tizen Software Development Kit (SDK) for Wearable is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Web applications and the platform component for wearable device. The SDK contains an install manager, IDE, tools, documents, samples, and a platform image.
API Information
Web framework
Provides a complete implementation of the Web API optimized for wearable devices. It includes WebKit, a layout engine designed to enable web browsers to render web pages. It also provides a runtime for web applications. Its features include:
- W3C/HTML5 specifications support:
- DOM/Media/Graphics: HTML5 audio/video element, HTML5 Forms (Partial), Session History API, DOM/JS related HTML5 Enhancements, iframe sandbox attribute, HTML5 2D Canvas
- CSS3: CSS3 2D Transforms (H/W Accelerated), CSS3 3D Transforms (H/W Accelerated), CSS3 Animations (H/W Accelerated), CSS3 Transitions (H/W Accelerated), CSS3 Colors, CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders (Partial), CSS3 Flexible Box Layout (Partial), CSS3 User Interface (Partial)
- Device: Touch Events, CSS3 Media Queries (Partial), Vibration API, getUserMedia API, Battery Status, Device Orientation Events (Accelerometer, Gyro sensor only)
- Communication: XMLHttpRequest Level 2
- Security: iframe sandbox, CSP1.0 (Partial)
- UI: Clipboard API, Drag and Drop
- Storage: Web Storage, File Reader API, Indexed DB API
- Performance: Web Worker (Partial), Page visibility API
- Changes in W3C APIs:
- Page visibility API: “webkit” prefix is now removed.
- E.g., webkitvisibilitychange à visibilitychange
- File Reader API: BlobBuilder is deprecated and replaced by Blob object
- Indexed DB flag change: multientry à multiEntry
- Page visibility API: “webkit” prefix is now removed.
- Khronos specifications support : WebGL, Typed Arrays
- W3C Widget specifications support
- Packaging and Configuration, Digital Signing, Widget Interface
- Device APIs to access to a device’s platform capabilities support
- Alarm, Application, Bluetooth, Filesystem, System Information, Power, Motion(currently pedometer supported), SAP(communication between host and wearable device) API
- SAP (communication between host and wearable device) API which now supports send/receive strings, send/receive files, find peer agents, peer agent found/update notification callback, device status change notification callback)
- Motion(pedometer, heart rate monitor, Wrist-up) API is supported to get various sensor information efficiently
- IrLED API is supported to show a string through IrLED
- Note that the following properties in System Information API are not supported: LOCALE, NETWORK, WIFI_NETWORK, CELLULAR_NETWORK, SIM.
- Camera API support
- Camera preview, change camera settings (picture size, picture format, etc.), image capture, video recording etc.
- Web application templates
- Web UI framework
- Page navigation and basic event handling support as JavaScript library
- CSS themes and resources for reference Web UI widgets
- Winset test application for wearable UI
- Clock widget support
- User customized clock widget on home screen
Wearable framework
Provides a complete implementation to support wearable device specialized features. It includes context manager, a controller of various sensors and context data via Motion Web API. It also provides communication protocol stack, Samsung Accessory Protocol (SAP), to interact with various smart devices. Its features include:
- Context manager support
- Samsung Accessory Protocol stack support
- Interoperability support via host manager (Phone side) and wearable manager service (wearable device side)
IDE and Tools
- Multiple OS support
- The IDE and Tools are available for Ubuntu® 12.04 or 12.10 (32- or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows® XP (32-bit) Service Pack 2 or later, Microsoft Windows® 7 (32- or 64-bit), Apple Mac OS® X 10.7 Lion (64-bit), Apple Mac OS® X 10.8 Mountain Lion (64-bit), Apple Mac OS® X 10.9 Mavericks (64-bit).
- Project Wizard
- Provide various samples and templates.
- Editor
- JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT)
- Validator policies changed to remove unnecessary warnings
- Support for JavaScript and CSS source code beautifier (Ctrl + 6)
- JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT)
- Views
- HTML and CSS previews
- Container changed from the in-place view to the Google Chrome® browser
- Instantly displaying changes made to HTML or CSS code (live-reload)
- JavaScript Log view
- Support for colors based on the level
- Support for IDE-related views through help context pop-ups
- Building, running, and debugging
- HTML and CSS previews
- Certificate
- Provide generating certificate request
- Provide registering certificate
- Project Wizard
- SDB(Smart Development Bridge)
- Support for installing and uninstalling application packages
- Support shell for a target device and emulator
- Emulator
- Support for HW VT acceleration, GPU acceleration on 32/64-bit Linux (Ubuntu), Windows® and Mac OS®
- Supports x86-based QEMU Emulator
- Supports multimedia codec.
- Emulator Manager
- Convenient creation of emulator and execution
- Emulator Control Panel
- Supports for virtual input like Pedometer, Battery, Gesture, and USB
- Supports for uninstalling Apps
- Supports for convenient features like screenshot, Always on Top, and SDB Shell
- CLI(Command Line Interface) Tool
- Provides web-build command tool for building and optimizing Tizen Wearable Web projects
Known Issues
- Emulator
- The Emulator skin may not be drawn properly on Ubuntu™. If the graphics driver is not installed or an older version is installed. To fix this issue, update the graphics driver version.
- When the disk storage is full, various incorrect operations may occur.
- A screen shot image may not be copied to clipboard on Ubuntu™ 64-bit.
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