Original Link: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/blob/v3/CHANGELOG
cocos2d-x-3.14.1 Jan.19 2017
[FIX] May crash if using `Scene::createWithPhysics()` to create a scene and physics3d camera is not set
[FIX] May have link error because of glfw conflict on Linux
[FIX] Sprite: created from sprite frame with polygon information can not work correctly
[FIX] Lua: link error with VS2015
[FIX] Lua: compiling error if using `cocos compile/run -p android --android-studio` on Android
coocs2d-x-3.14 Dec 22 2016
[NEW] Add Spine binary file format support
[NEW] Action: add a method to get the number of actions running in a given node with specific tag
[NEW] Action: new actions: ResizeBy and ResizeTo
[NEW] Button: can set title label
[NEW] Can disable multi touch on Android
[NEW] EventDispatcher: Add hasEventListener to check listener existance
[NEW] EditBox: add horizontal text alignment
[NEW] EventDispatcher: added `hasEvent()` to check if an event is added
[NEW] Sprite: support slice9 feature
[NEW] Slider: add methods to get _slidBallNormalRenderer
[NEW] Desktop: add a method to toggle between fullscreen and windowed
[NEW] Desktop: add events for window resize, focus and unfocus
[NEW] Mac: supports game controller
[NEW] JSB: add cc.sys.now() and perfromance.now(), the last one is more accurate
[NEW] Lua: add cc.vec3 functions: add, sub and dot
[NEW] Lua: use luajit 2.1.0-beta2
[NEW] Web: Add cc.CONCURRENCY_HTTP_REQUEST_COUNT to control max concurrent task count for XMLHttpRequest
[REFINE] Add NDEBUG for cpp template Xcode project
[REFINE] DrawNode: support float line width
[REFINE] EditBoxDelegate: add reason for edit end
[REFINE] Improve XML parse performance
[REFINE] Make batch capacity resizing more efficiently
[REFINE] PageView: support custom scrollToPage time
[REFINE] Lua: cc.Ray:intersects addtionally returns the distance
[REFINE] Mac: system font enhancement
[REFINE] Linux: build shared lib with -fPIC
[REFINE] Android: use SharedPreferences.apply() to store data
[REFINE] JSB: Increase default JS heap to 32 mb
[REFINE] JSB: Support more system languages
[REFINE] JSB: Direct log/error for better understantding problems
[REFINE] JSB: Separate FinalizeHook for ref objects and non ref objects
[REFINE] Web: Improve overall node construction performance
[REFINE] Web: Improve overall loading process performance
[REFINE] Web: Reduce overall memory usage
[REFINE] Web: Made cc.LabelBMFont and cc.LabelAtlas support texture packing and auto batching
[REFINE] Web: Reimplement a much faster ccui.Scale9Sprite
[REFINE] Web: Reimplement a much faster cc.DrawNode WebGL renderer
[REFINE] Web: Use stack to avoid recursive call in transform, onEnter, onExit etc, reduce call stack depth
[FIX] AsstsManagerEx: project.manifest may be downloaded twice
[FIX] AudioEngine: can not play large ogg file
[FIX] AudioEngine: may have noise if playing mp3 files on iOS/Mac OS X
[FIX] AudioEngine: can not play effect/music entirely on iOS and Mac
[FIX] ClippingNode: effect is wrong if threshold is set to a value not equal to 1 first then set to 1
[FIX] Compiling error if `USE_STD_UNORDERED_MAP == 0`
[FIX] ControlSwitch::create() may cause crash
[FIX] Downloader: may crash if it is released before finishing downloading task
[FIX] EditBox: fix single line and multiline text alighment, now single line will be center and multiline will be top align vertically by default
[FIX] EditBox: placeholder font not being set corretly for multiline text field on iOS
[FIX] EditBox: doesn't show text on Mac OS 10.12
[FIX] EditBox: multiline overflow bounds of box
[FIX] FastTilemap: wrong effect when content scale factor is not 1
[FIX] FontFreeType: crash in destructor
[FIX] ImageView: wrong effect of using loadtexture() to load a ETC1 texture with alpha support
[FIX] Label: wrong blending effect of outline
[FIX] Label: some labels may not been shown
[FIX] Label: may crash when label string is empty an the overflow is shrink
[FIX] Label: possible memory leak when font size is 0
[FIX] MenuItemSprite: MenuItemSprite::unselected() on a disabled item show wrong image
[FIX] Node: the effect of setRotation+setSkewX is wrong
[FIX] Physics3d: effect of debug draw is wrong
[FIX] Renderer: indices count may overflow when drawing batching triangle commands which causes unexpected effect
[FIX] RenderTexture: Sprite3D is not shown
[FIX] TileMap: hexagonal map fails on TMXTiledMap::getTileAt()
[FIX] TMXMapInfo: tileGid may overflow when using horizontal flip
[FIX] TriangleCommand: triangle commands can't do batching when the glprogram using custom shader with custom uniforms
[FIX] UI: label atlas and BMFont rendering issue with ETC1 texture format
[FIX] 3D: small .mtl files are not loaded
[FIX] 3D: Sprite3D::getMesh() may cause crash if it doesn't have any mesh
[FIX] 3D: wrong Skybox fov
[FIX] 3D: Sprite3D can't release its texture
[FIX] AssetsManagerEx: Fail to decompress when sub directory is not created
[FIX] ScrollView: crash of scroll to top or left
[FIX] SoketIO: memory leak
[FIX] iOS: Vibrate effect can not work in not silent mode
[FIX] iOS: view size got with landscape orientation if run on iOS 7 and ealier
[FIX] iOS: iOS 9 OpengGL error
[FIX] iOS: if a scene includes 3d model with light and ListView may cause crash
[FIX] Android: cause compiling error with android-19 or lower
[FIX] Android: RapidJason crashes in release mode
[FIX] Android: may not pause background music after game enters background
[FIX] Android: adapt to Android pixel
[FIX] Android: MessageBox inverted parames
[FIX] Android: cause deadlock if preload the same file more than 3 times in preload callback
[FIX] Android: WebView: base url can not work
[FIX] Android: may crash if `AudioEngineManager.getProperty(PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER)` returns null
[FIX] Mac: Downloader can not access https website
[FIX] Win32: fix crash caused by `Helper::getSubStringOfUTF8String()` in debug mode
[FIX] Linux: FMOD issue
[FIX] Linux: Application::openURL can not work
[FIX] Desktop: crash upon exit when NotificationNode exists
[FIX] Spine: color bug
[FIX] Console: doesn't support `--ap` parameter
[FIX] Lua: result of radian2angle is wrong
[FIX] Lua: iskindof_ doesn't work correctly
[FIX] Lua: new lua project crashes compiling with VS2015 release mode
[FIX] Lua: ComponentLua doesn't support binary code
[FIX] JSB: `jsb.addRoot is not a function` error caused by cc.GLProgramState.setUniformCallback
[FIX] JSB: Fix spine TrackEntry conversion crash issue
[FIX] JSB: Fix CallbackWrapper and FunctionWrapper crash during deallocation in new memory model
[FIX] JSB: Fix event object memory issue by manually bind EventDispatcher::addCustomEventListener
[FIX] JSB: Fix chipmunk crash issues when using setDefaultCollisionHandler
[FIX] JSB: Fix compilation issues when COCOS_DEBUG = 2
[FIX] JSB: Unify function name of Texture2D::releaseTexture
[FIX] Web: Fix spine blend function inconsistency between web and jsb
[FIX] Web: Fix particle system load from plist generated by x-studio365
[FIX] Web: Fix doEnumerateRecursive(node, name, callback) always return undefined issue
[FIX] Web: Change bright style on 'setEnabled' call of ccui.Widget
[FIX] Web: Fix Editbox can't input in full screen mode
[FIX] Web: Fix texture issue on some Android devices by always set vertexAttribPointer
[FIX] Web: Make xhr ontimeout callback work on all browsers
[FIX] Web: Fix clear color not normalized issue
[FIX] Web: Fix clipping node rendering issue when alphaThreshold = 1
[FIX] Web: Fix nested scroll view rendering issue
[FIX] Web: Make orderDirty flag properly set for node
[FIX] Web: Fix ccui.Slider gray state not available issue
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