[FIX] Billboard: allow billboard rotate along z axis

[FIX] Bundle3D: create aabb for mesh whose aabb does not exist (user custom mesh)
[FIX] EditBox: text position and move animation error on iPhone6 Plus
[FIX] FileUtils: createDirectory(): doesn't invoke closedir() after opendir on platforms other than WP8/WinRT/Windows
cocos2d-x-3.3-rc2 Dec.5
[FIX] C++: use 100% of one core on Windows
[FIX] Label: when a label is added to a invisible parent node, app will crash if switching from background
[FIX] Label: label will not be shown when using system font on Mac
[FIX] Studio reader: replace protocol buffer with flatbuffer
cocos2d-x-3.3-rc1 Nov.29 2014
[NEW] Vec2: added greater than operator
[NEW] Tools: Updated cocos console to v1.4 (from 1.2)
[NEW] WP8: Win8.1 universal app support
[FIX] Audio: `SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->playBackgroundMusic()` crashed freezen on Lollipop(Android5.0)
[FIX] Button: when the dimension of button title is larger than the button, button will scale to fit the dimension of the button title
[FIX] Button: when the dimension of button title is larger than the button, button will scale to fit the dimension of the button title
[FIX] Camera: does not work correctly when the up is not (0, 1, 0)
[FIX] Director: Uses a low-pass filter to diplay the FPS
[FIX] DrawNode: drawPoint() may cause crash
[FIX] EventKeyboard: can not check right Shift, right Ctrl and right ALT
[FIX] GLProgramCache: doesn't release old program with the same key before adding a new one
[FIX] GLProgramState: enabled GLProgramState restoring on render recreated on WP8
[FIX] Label: label shifting when outline feature enabled
[FIX] Label: when applying additionalKerning to a Label that displays a string with only 1 character, the character is shifted
[FIX] Label: display incompletely with multiline text with outline feature enabled
[FIX] Label: crash if using BMFont but missing corresponding png file
[FIX] Lua: logical error in luaval_to_quaternion
[FIX] New audio: can not loop on Android 2.3.x
[FIX] Random: CCRANDOM_0_1() and CCRANDOM_MINUS_1_1() can be seeded using std::srand(seed)
[FIX] Scale9Sprite: will be flipped if both flipX and flipY are false
[FIX] Scale9Sprite: if scale and flip property are set at the same time, the result would be wrong
[FIX] Scene: setScale() doesn't work as expected
[FIX] Sprite3D: did not create attached sprite from cache
[FIX] Tests: Sprite Performance Test automation works as expected
[FIX] UI: Text: invoke ignoreContentAdatpSize(false) will cause wrong effect
[FIX] VideoPlayer: showed in wrong place on Android v2.3.x
[FIX] WebView: showed in wrong place on Android v2.3.x
[FIX] WP: back key behaviour and Director::getInstance()->end() works not correctly
[FIX] Lua-binding: XmlHttpRequest would truncate binary data
cocos2d-x-3.3-rc0 Oct.21 2014
[NEW] 3d: added light support: direction light, point light, spot light and ambient light
[NEW] Added ClippingRectangleNode
[NEW] Added AssetsManagerEx, which is more powerful than AssetsManager
[NEW] Added a test case of sprite lamp effect
[NEW] Animate3D: can create with start frame and end frame
[NEW] Audio: new audio supports Mac OS X and Windows
[NEW] Application: added openUrl()
[NEW] Armature: added getOffsetPoints()
[NEW] Lua-binding: added Camera3DTest ,BillBoradTest
[NEW] Node: schedule/unschedule lambda functions
[NEW] Rect: added merge()
[NEW] Spine: update to 2.0.18
[NEW] TileMap: added staggered tile map support
[NEW] Utils: added getCascadeBoundingBox()
[NEW] WP8: enabled screen orientation change handling
[FIX] Accelerometer: using Accelerometer will freeze app and then crash on WP8
[FIX] Application: getCurrentLanguageCode() always return empty string
[FIX] Action: kRepeatForever macro superseded by CC_REPEAT_FOREVER macro
[FIX] C++: remove armv7s in VALID_ARCHS for Xcode projects
[FIX] Cocos Studio reader: UI animation playing crash if GUI JSON file is loaded again
[FIX] Cocos Studio reader: improvement ImageViewReader don't necessary loadTexture when imageFilePath is empty
[FIX] EditBox: view rendered in wrong position if click EditBox on iOS 8
[FIX] FileUtils: can not remove files/directory on iOS devices
[FIX] GLProgram: crashed on some Android devices that do not support more than 8 attributes
[FIX] Label: getStringNumLines() may returns wrong result if label is dirty
[FIX] Label: can not change opacity if using FNT font
[FIX] Label: endless loop if not using system font, and constrained length is less than one character width
[FIX] LabelAtlas: opacity do not change when setting parent's opacity
[FIX] Lua-bindings: may crash if passing two-dimensional table from lua to c++
[FIX] New audio: can not play audio after playing some times on Android
[FIX] Node: macro scheduler_selector() superseded by CC_SCHEDULER_SELECTOR(). The same is true for the other schedule_ macros
[FIX] Node: unscheduleAllSelectors() deprecated in favor of unscheudleAllCallbacks()
[FIX] Node: crashed if remove/add child too quickly when using integrated physics
[FIX] TextFieldTTF: will get wrong characters if using Chinese input method on WP8
[FIX] TextureCache: memory leak in reloadTexture()
[FIX] UI: Button: button remains gray when releasing it, this issue only happened if enable scale9 and only has one texture
[FIX] UI: Button: when creating a button with a title only, button content size is not immediately updated
[FIX] UI: EditBox: setMaxLength is invalid on mac
cocos2d-x-3.3-beta0 Sep.20 2014
[NEW] 3d: added `BillBoard`
[NEW] ActionManager: added removeAllActionsByTag()
[NEW] Audio: added new audio system for iOS and Android
[FIX] DrawNode: has as many functions as `DrawPrimitive`
[NEW] GLViewProtocol: added getAllTouches()
[NEW] Node: added stopAllActionsByTag()
[NEW] PhysicsWorld: add setSubsteps() and getSubsteps()
[NEW] Renderer: added TriangleCommand
[NEW] UI: added `WebView` on iOS and Android
[FIX] C++: CMake works for Mac builds
[FIX] C++: Reorganized cocos2d/platform folder. Easier to add new platforms
[FIX] EditBox: moved to ui:EditBox
[FIX] External: ScrollView: scroll view hidden picks up the touch events
[FIX] FastTileMap: change indices to short because not all devices support int indices which will prevent drawing tilemap
[FIX] FileUtils: can not create and delete directory on wp8
[FIX] HttpClient: condition variable sleep on unrelated mutex
[FIX] Image: optimize decompress jpg data
[FIX] Label: outline effect may be wrong if outline width is big and font size is big too
[FIX] MenuItem: memory leak if using menu_selector
[FIX] MeshCommand: generate wrong meterial id which will cause problem that only first mesh is drawn
[FIX] Node: create unneeded temple `Vec2` object in `setPosition(int, int)`, `setPositionX()` and `setPositionY()`
[FIX] Node: skew effect is wrong
[FIX] Node: setNormalizedPosition can not take effect if parent position is not changed
[FIX] TextureAtlas: may crash if only drawing part of it
[FIX] UI: Button: a button can not be touched if it only contains title
[FIX] UI: Button: title can not be scaled if a button is scaled
cocos2d-x-3.3alpha0 Aug.28 2014
[NEW] 3D: Added Camera, AABB, OBB and Ray
[NEW] 3D: Added better reskin model support
[NEW] Core: c++11 random support
[NEW] Core: Using `(std::notrow)` for all the `new` statements
[NEW] Desktop: Added support for applicationDidEnterBackground / applicationWillEnterForeground on desktop
[NEW] Device: added setKeepScreenOn() for iOS and Android
[NEW] EventMouse: support getDelta, getDeltaX, getDeltaY functions
[NEW] FileUtils: add isDirectoryExist(), createDirectory(), removeDirectory(), removeFile(), renameFile(), getFileSize()
[NEW] FileUtilsApple: allow setting bundle to use in file utils on iOS and Mac OS X
[NEW] Image: support of software PVRTC v1 decompression
[NEW] Lua-binding: added release_print that can print log even in release mode
[NEW] Physics Integration: can invoke update in demand
[NEW] Renderer: Added primitive and render primitive command, support passing point, line and triangle data
[NEW] Renderer: Added method for custom precompiled shader program loading on WP8
[NEW] Renderer: Added consistent way to set GL context attributes
[NEW] RenderTexture: add a call back function for saveToFile()
[NEW] RotateTo: added 3D rotation support
[NEW] ScrollView: added `setMinScale()` and `setMaxScale()`
[NEW] Sprite3D: added setCullFace() and setCullFaceEnabled()
[NEW] Sprite3D: added getBoundingBox() and getAABB()
[NEW] SpriteFrameCache: load from plist file content data
[NEW] utils: added gettime()
[NEW] UI: Added UIScale9Sprite
[NEW] UI: ui::Button: support customize how much zoom scale is when pressing a button
[NEW] UI: ui::PageView: added `customScrollThreshold`, could determine the swipe distance to trigger a PageView scroll event
[NEW] UI: ui::TextField: support utf8
[NEW] UI: ui::TextField: support set color and placeholder color
[NEW] UI: ui::Widget: support swallowing touch events
[NEW] Text: added getter and setter for TextColor
[FIX] EditBox: font size is not scaled when GLview is scaled on Mac OS X
[FIX] EditBox: began/end events not work
[FIX] Label: can not set charmap after it is created
[FIX] Label: setTextColor does not have any effect on Mac OS X
[FIX] Label: result of LabelTTF::getBoundingBox() is wrong
[FIX] Label: can not set outline color correctly if using system font on iOS
[FIX] Label: character edge will be cut a little if character size is small
[FIX] LabelBMFont: result of LabelBMFont::getBoundingBox() is wrong
[FIX] ListView: can not insert an item in specific position, it is added at bottom
[FIX] LoadingBar: position is changed if changing direction
[FIX] ParticleSystem: effect is wrong if scene scaled
[FIX] ParticleSystemQuad: setTotalParticles() can't set a value larger than initialized value
[FIX] PhysicsBody: return wrong bitmask
[FIX] Scale9Sprite: new added sprite will be hidden
[FIX] Slider: if the UISlider is faded, the slide ball won't fade together
[FIX] Sprite: will turn black if opacity is set other than 255 and be added into SpriteBatchNode
[FIX] TableView: can handle touch event though its parents are invisible
[FIX] TextField: can not use backspace to delete a character
[FIX] Widget: may crash if remove itself in touch call back function
[FIX] Widget: not support cascaded opacity and cascaded color by default
[FIX] VideoPlayer: memory leak on iOS
[FIX] VideoPlayer: video frame size is not calculated correctly on iOS
[FIX] VideoPlayer: video player not showing on iOS if it's not in FullScreen mode
[FIX] Others: can not import java library shift by engine correctly when using Eclispe on Android
[FIX] Others: optimize FPS control algorithm on Android
[FIX] Lua-binding: replace dynamic_cast to std::is_base_of in object_to_luaval
[3rd] fbx-conv: complex FBX model support which is useful for reskin, multiple meshes and multiple materials support
cocos2d-x-3.2 Jul.17 2014
[NEW] Node: added getChildByName method for get a node that can be cast to Type T
[NEW] FileUtils: could add search path and resolution order path in front
[FIX] Animation3D: getOrCreate is deprecated and replaced with Animation3D::create
[FIX] Animate3D: setSpeed() accept negative value, which means play reverse, getPlayback and setPlayBack are deprecated
[FIX] EditBox: can not set/get text in password mode on Mac OS X
[FIX] Game Controller: joystick y value inversed on iOS
[FIX] GLView: cursor position is not correct if design resolution is different from device resolution
[FIX] Label: color can not be set correctly if using system font on iOS
[FIX] LabelTTF: may lost chinese characters on linux
[FIX] Lua-binding: support UIVideoPlayer
[FIX] Node: setRotation3D not work based on anchor point
[FIX] Node: modify regular of enumerateChildren, now it just searchs its children
[FIX] Physics integration: body shape will be wrong when using negative value to scale
[FIX] ScrollViewDelegate: make the scrollView delegate methods optional
[FIX] Setup.py: will crash on windows because of checking `zsh`
[FIX] SpriteBatchNode: opacity can not work
[FIX] Sprite3D: may crash on Android if playing animation and replace Scene after come from background
[FIX] UIwidget: opacity is wrong when replace texture
[FIX] UIRichText: will crash when using utf8 string and the length exceed specified length
[FIX] UIText: can not wrap words automatically
[FIX] UITextField: keyboard can not hide if touching space outside of keyboard
[FIX] UITextField: can not wrap words automatically
[FIX] UIVideoPlayer: can not exit full screen mode on Android
[FIX] Others: don't release singleton objects correctly that are needed in the whole game, which will be treated
as memory leak when using VLD.
[FIX] Others: compiling error when building for iOS 64-bit devices with Xcode6 beta3
cocos2d-x-3.2rc0 Jul.7 2014
[NEW] FastTMXTiledMap: added fast tmx, which is much more faster for static tiled map
[NEW] GLProgramState: can use uniform location to get/set uniform values
[NEW] HttpClient: added sendImmediate()
[NEW] Label: support setting line height and additional kerning of label that not using system font
[NEW] Lua-binding: Animation3D supported
[NEW] Lua-binding: UIEditor test cases added
[NEW] Lua-binding: UI focus test cases added
[NEW] Node: added getName(), setName(), getChildByName(), enumerateChildren()
and addChild(Node* node, int localZOrder, const std::string &name)
[NEW] Node: physical body supports rotation
[NEW] Sprite3D: support c3b binary format
[NEW] utils: added findChildren() to find all children by name
[NEW] Value: added operator == !=
[FIX] Armature: blend func has no effect
[FIX] Armature: crashed when remove armature in frame event
[FIX] Animation3D: doesn't load original pose, which leads to wrong effect if not playing animation
[FIX] Animation3D: animation for unskined bones lost
[FIX] FileUtils: getStringFromFile may return a unterminated string
[FIX] Lua-binding: Sequence:create will cause drop-dead issue
[FIX] Lua-binding: lua-tests can’t be loaded on 64 bits iOS devices and Linux
[FIX] Node: Node::setScale(float) may not work properly
[FIX] Physics integration: child node can move with its father
[FIX] Physics integration: support scale
[FIX] Sprite3D: 20% performance improved, simplify shader, use VAO and batch draw
[FIX] Studio support: NodeReader may cause crash
[FIX] UIButton: doesn't support TTF font
[FIX] UIButton: `getTitleColor()` doesn't equal to the value set by `setTitleColor()`
[FIX] UIListView: addEventListener can not work
[FIX] UIListView: element position is changed a little when you click and up a list view without move
[FIX] UIListView: element will respond to item_end event when end of scrolling a list view
[FIX] UIVideo: crash when try to remove videoView(STATE_PLAYBACK_COMPLETED) on android
[FIX] WP8: crash of utils::captureScreen()
cocos2d-x-3.2-alpha0 Jun.17 2014
[NEW] Console: add a command to show engine version
[NEW] Node: added setter/getter for NormalizedPosition(). Allows to set positions in normalized values (between 0 and 1)
[NEW] Scene: Added createWithSize() method
[NEW] TextField: added getStringLength()
[NEW] TextureCache: added unbindImageAsync() and unbindAllImageAsync()
[NEW] utils: added captureScreen()
[NEW] UIText: added shadow, outline, glow filter support
[NEW] Sprite3D: support 3d animation
[NEW] Animation3D: 3d animation
[FIX] Application.mk: not output debug message in release mode on Android
[FIX] Android: 3d model will be black when coming from background
[FIX] Android: don't trigger EVENT_COME_TO_BACKGROUND event when go to background
[FIX] Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.java: prevent flickering when opening another activity
[FIX] Director: Director->convertToUI() returns wrong value.
[FIX] GLProgram: not abort if shader compilation fails, just return false.
[FIX] GLProgramState: sampler can not be changed
[FIX] Image: Set jpeg save quality to 90
[FIX] Image: premultiply alpha when loading png file to resolve black border issue
[FIX] Label: label is unsharp if it's created by smaller font
[FIX] Label: Label's display may go bonkers if invoking Label::setString() with outline feature enabled
[FIX] Label: don't release cached texture in time
[FIX] Label: calculated height of multi-line string was incorrect on iOS
[FIX] Lua-binding: compiling error on release mode
[FIX] Lua-binding: Add xxtea encrypt support
[FIX] Node: setPhysicsBody() can not work correctly if it is added to a Node
[FIX] Node: state of _transformUpdated, _transformDirty and _inverseDirty are wrong in setParent()
[FIX] Node: _orderOfArrival is set to 0 after visit
[FIX] Other: link error with Xcode 6 when building with 32-bit architecture
[FIX] RenderTexture: saveToFile() lost alpha channel
[FIX] Repeat: will run one more over in rare situations
[FIX] Scale9Sprite: support culling
[FIX] Schedule: schedulePerFrame() can not be called twice
[FIX] ShaderTest: 7 times performance improved of blur effect
[FIX] SpriteFrameCache: fix memory leak
[FIX] Texture2D: use image's pixel format to create texture
[FIX] TextureCache: addImageAsync() may repeatedly generate Image for the same image file
[FIX] WP8: will restart if app goes to background, then touches icon to go to foreground
[FIX] WP8: will be black if: 1. 3rd pops up a view; 2. go to background; 3. come to foreground
[FIX] WP8: project name of new project created by console is wrong
[FIX] WP8: missing texture after app switch
[3RD] curl: will crash if use https request on iOS simulator
[3RD] curl: update OpenSSL to v1.0.1h

'Software Dev. Tools > Cocos2d-x' 카테고리의 다른 글

cocos2d-x 3.4  (0) 2015.02.12
3.3 release  (0) 2014.12.22
cocos2d-x-3.3-rc0  (0) 2014.10.27
cocos2d-x-3.3-beta0  (0) 2014.10.04
cocos2d-x v3.2-alpha0 Release Notes  (0) 2014.06.21
Posted by Greatdev