cocos2d-x-4.0alph0 ??
[FIX] C++: remove deprecated functions that are deprecated in v2.x
[FIX] Label: texture size of string has unexpected padding on iOS 7 and upper version
[FIX] Label: stroke color of system font is incorrect on iOS
[FIX] MenuItem: crash if `MenuItem::onExit` is called multiple times
cocos2d-x-3.4 Jan.30 2015
[FIX] Animate3D: `setSpeed` has not effect if `Animate3D` is used in Sequence
[FIX] C++: will crash if built with armeabi-v7a enabled on Android devices that with armeabi-v7a architecture but doesn't support NEON instructions
[FIX] C++: may crash if VAO is not supported
[FIX] EditBox: content is not clipped correctly on windows
[FIX] GLProgram: will cause crash on some devices that don't support more than 8 atrributes
[FIX] HttpClient: not set response code when connecting failed on Android
[FIX] Label: alpha channel of text color of system font has not effect
[FIX] Label: use int for dimensions that will lose the precision
[FIX] Label: labels will become white block after resume from background on some Android devices, such as xiaomi3
[FIX] Label: improved parsing performance of bitmap font
[FIX] Label: can not display `&` if using system font on windows
[FIX] Lua-binding:studio-support: AnimationInfo is not binded
[FIX] New audio: not close file descriptor leads to that may causes game freeze if playing two many times(may be more than 1000) on Android
[FIX] Node: anchor point has not effect to rotation, it always rotate along (0, 0)
[FIX] Physics integration: Scale9Sprite can't run `Move` action and `Scale` action if used physical scene
[FIX] SpriteFrameCache: `addSpriteFramesWithFil`e may crash if plist file doesn't exist
[FIX] Sprite3D: material files (.mtl) are not loaded for any object when creating from an .obj file
[FIX] UI::ImageView: rendered content size is wrong if `ignoreSize` is true and `Scale9` is not enabled
[FIX] UI::Slider: when scale9 is enabled, the progress bar's rendering height is wrong
[FIX] UI:Scale9Sprite: some position information will be lost when toggling `Scale9` state
[FIX] UI::TextField: will get wrong event message if clicking `TextField` twice
[FIX] UI::TextField: result of `getContentSize` is wrong if it is invoked in insert or delete event callback
[FIX] UI::WebView: base URL can not work
cocos2d-x-3.4rc1 Jan.15 2015
[NEW] C++: added CC_USE_CULLING macro to control if enable auto culling or not
[NEW] FileUtils::fullPathForFilename will return empty string when file can not be found
[NEW] VertexBuffer&IndexBuffer: allow setting usage(GL_STATIC_DRAW or GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW) in create method
[NEW] Renderer: 3D rendering support for 2d objects
[FIX] DrawNode: fix random crash because of init opengl buffer wrongly
[FIX] DrawNode: drawPoints() can not set ponit size
[FIX] EventDispatcher: crash if adding/removing event listeners and dispatching event in event callback function
[FIX] GLProgramState: may cause GL_INVALID_VALUE error at start up on Android
[FIX] LUA: 0x80000000 can not be converted by lua_tonumber correctly on some devices
[FIX] PhysicsBody: can't get correct position in the same frame of adding PhysicsBody to PhysicsWorld
[FIX] UI: fix crash when navigation controller is null
cocos2d-x-3.4rc0 Jan.9 2015
[NEW] 3rd: update libcurl to v7.39
[NEW] 3rd: update luajit to v2.0.3
[FIX] C++: crash when run clang static analyzer in Xcode
[FIX] DrawNode: can not set color when DrawPoints, wrong behavior of drawRect
[FIX] FileUtils: getData() can't get data from file when file was using by other application on windows
[FIX] FileUtils: getData() will cause memory leak if file size is 0 on windows
[FIX] GLProgram: when there is a shader compile error in shader, it will crash on windows
[FIX] GLProgramState: Assert error because uniforms and attribute is not refreshed when come to foreground on android
[FIX] HttpClient: http requests will be lost in immediately mode on iOS
[FIX] JumpTo: can not be applied more than once
[FIX] Label: may cause infinite loop if using system font on Android
[FIX] Particle: GL_INVALID_OPERATION error because VAO and VBOs is not reset when come to foreground on android
[FIX] Physics integration: physics body is not still after disabling gravitational force by PhysicsBody::setGravityEnable()
[FIX] Sprite3DTest: Sprite3DUVAnimationTest, Sprite3DFakeShadowTest, Sprite3DLightMapTest, Sprite3DBasicToonShaderTest will crash on android when switch to foreground from background
[FIX] Template: multiple dex files define error on Android if using Eclipse to build new generated application
[FIX] VideoPlayer: can not play video if passing path returned from FileUtils::fullPathForFilename() on Android
[FIX] WP8: compiling error on ARM architecture
cocos2d-x-3.4beta0 Dec.31 2014
[NEW] 3D: support frustum culling
[NEW] Action: MoveTo and MoveBy support Vec3
[NEW] Allocator: add custom allocator support, global, default, fixed block, object pool
[NEW] Application: added Turkish and Ukrainian language support
[NEW] UI:LoadingBar: add TextureResType to LoadingBar's create method
[NEW] Director: add setClearColor() to set clear values for the color buffers
[NEW] Node: rotation representation using quaternion
[NEW] UI: Added new layout functionality for Cocos Studio, keeps widget margins a fixed set and adjusts the widget size according to the margins.
[NEW] UI: Add gray shader to ui::Button, ui::CheckBox and ui::Slider when the disable state resources are not provided
[NEW] UI: Modify the default behavior when ui::Button, ui::CheckBox and ui::Slider's selected state resources are not provided, the new behavior is scale the normal state texture when the selected state texture are missing.
[NEW] 3rd party libraries: Add prebuilt version of libcurl to Mac and upgrade iOS,Android,Mac and Win32 libcurl to 7.39.0.
[NEW] Replace network module implementation from libcurl to system network API on IOS and Android
[FIX] ui::Button: fix setTitleColor calls method setColor instead of setTextColor of title label.
[FIX] AssetsManagerEx: Fix assetManager can't download file on Win32
[FIX] FileUtils: WebP format with alpha channel displayed wrong
[FIX] Label: content size of Label is incorrect if the string is set to empty string
[FIX] GLProgramState: fix assert error caused by outdated uniform and attribute cache
'Software Dev. Tools > Cocos2d-x' 카테고리의 다른 글
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3.3 release (0) | 2014.12.22 |
3.2 release (0) | 2014.12.12 |
cocos2d-x-3.3-rc0 (0) | 2014.10.27 |