[NEW]Application: Adds getCurrentLanguageCode() which returns iso 639-1 language code
     [NEW]cocos2d::extension::ScrollView: Elastic bounce back effect support
     [NEW]Constructor: Added CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS macro to re-define constructor/initXXX methods to 'public' access.
     [NEW]Label: Added new methods 'set(Anti)AliasTexParameters' for enabling/disabling antialias
     [FIX]Android: Reloaded texture is not shown if it has the mipmap
     [FIX]Android: Application may become black at first time entering on some devices
     [FIX]Audio: Stopped music could also be resumed on iOS
     [FIX]CCBReader: Wrong logic in CCBAnimationManager::moveAnimationsFromNode
     [FIX]CocoStudio: ActionObject memory leak in ActionManagerEx::initWithDictionary
     [FIX]Console: initialize some variables that are not initilized in destructor
     [FIX]Console: refactor 'upload' command, encode file with base64, detach 'upload' from main loop
     [FIX]EventDispatcher: Potential crashes in EventDispatcher while using SceneGraphPriroity listeners
     [FIX]FileUtils: addSearchResolutionsOrder doesn't check whether there is a 'slash' at the end of path
     [FIX]FileUtils: Boolean value could not be written to specified plist file
     [FIX]GLView: Can't receive touchEnded event when mouse up outside of window on desktop platforms
     [FIX]Image: Some functions and variables in Image class is private, it should be protected
     [FIX]Label: Crash if label's type is STRING_TEXTURE and label->sortAllChildren is called
     [FIX]Label: Display incorrect of multi-line label if invoking 'getLetter'
     [FIX]Label: Default Anchor point isn't in middle and shadow offset doesn't consider contentScaleFactor
     [FIX]Label: Label's color is incorrect if it's created by font name
     [FIX]Label: Missing letters if using old LabelTTF and running on iPhone 64bit simulator(device)
     [FIX]Label: Refactor implementation of label's shadow
     [FIX]Label: Stroke was not 'outside stroke' for Label which is generated by 'Font name'
     [FIX]Label: Wrong logic in Label::setFontAtlas
     [FIX]Label: Read file more than once for label created by different font size
     [FIX]Label: Getting wrong rectangle by LabelTTF(LabelBMFont)::getBoundingBox.
     [FIX]Label: Possible crash if invoking FontAtlasCache::purgeCachedData
     [FIX]LuaBinding: Adds `addCustomHandler` in the ScriptHandlerMgr
     [FIX]LuaBinding: Upgrading LuaSocket to the latest version
     [FIX]Menu: Added missed scaleZ feature in ScaleTo and ScaleBy.
     [FIX]Network: Implements 'SIODelegate::fireEventToScript' method to integrate JSB event handling with the original
native code.
     [FIX]Network: WebsocketTest crashes on win32, mutex varible may be deleted while it's still locked
     [FIX]ParticleSystem: Particle will stop animating if it was removed and re-added to another node
     [FIX]ParticleSystem: Set particle visible to false then set to true cause crashes
     [FIX]Physics: Incorrect function invocation in PhysicsBody::setAngularVelocityLimit
     [FIX]Physics: PhysicsBody::setGravityEnable doesn't work correctly sometimes
     [FIX]Physics: PhysicsBody moves randomly when switch foreground/background
     [FIX]Physics: Refactors PhysicsDebugDraw
     [FIX]Tests: Memory leak in CocosDenshionTest
     [FIX]Texture2D: Support to update partial texture
     [FIX]Tools: The apk generated with release mode in cocos-console can't be installed
     [FIX]UI: Widget::addNode is confused, need to add ProtectedNode to remove addNode API.
     [FIX]UI: Adding HBox, VBox layouts, refactoring 'doLayout' function
     [3RD]Chipmunk: Upgraded to v6.2.1
     [3RD]libwebsockets: Upgraded to v1.23

Posted by Greatdev